Status: May 2024


Postal address: Rudower Str. 67, 12351 Berlin
Phone: 030 6670 3636

Joint publishers/operators are

SBW Berlin gGmbH
represented by the managing directors
Mrs. Anika Maneva and Mr. Stefan Wienecke
Rudower Str. 67, 12351 Berlin
HRB 203286 B
Tel.: 0049 30 60 25 97 87

Responsible for the content of the website
Stefan Wienecke, Rudower Str. 142, 12351 Berlin

Web design
bandup media UG

All content, images and graphics used as well as the design of these web pages are subject to the copyright of the operators. The unauthorized use, reproduction and/or distribution of individual content or complete web pages is prohibited. All rights reserved.

Image credits
The images, photos and graphics on this website are protected by copyright. The image rights belong to the company photographer of SBW Berlin gGmbH. In addition to the image material of SBW Berlin gGmbH, images from iStock were licensed and used as headers on subpages.

The information provided on these web pages has been checked. The information offered on these web pages is attempted to be up-to-date and correct in terms of content as well as complete. However, errors cannot be ruled out. A guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness can therefore not be assumed. The web pages may therefore be changed and/or their operation discontinued at any time without notice. No obligation is assumed to update the contents of these web pages. Access and use of these web pages is at the user’s own risk. The operators are not responsible and do not assume any liability for any damage caused by or in connection with the access and/or use of these web pages.

Data storage
Access data is stored when content is requested from this website. This is data about the page from which the file was requested, the name of the requested file, the date, time and duration of the request, the amount of data transferred and the access status (e.g. file transferred, file not found). This stored data is evaluated exclusively for statistical purposes and is not passed on to third parties under any circumstances. If the opportunity for the input of personal or business data (email addresses, name, addresses) is given, the input of these data takes place voluntarily.

Privacy policy
The operators have taken technical and organizational measures to ensure that the regulations on data protection are observed both by the operators and by external service providers commissioned by the operators. In the course of further development of these web pages, changes to this data protection declaration may also become necessary. The operators therefore recommend that you re-read this data protection declaration at certain intervals.

Access to the web pages
Access to these web pages by the user is stored in a file and this for a maximum of 30 days. The date, time, name of the retrieved file, amount of data and the message whether the retrieval was successful are stored. (Purely as a precaution, it should be noted that the actual name of the user cannot be seen or stored in this way). The evaluation of data is for internal purposes only. If the user orders e.g. information material via the web pages, it is subject to his free decision whether he enters his data. Information provided in this process is stored on protected servers. Access to it is possible only for a few and specially authorized persons.

Disclosure of personal data to third parties
Data that has been stored will only be passed on to third parties if the operators are obliged to do so by law or by court order, or if the transfer is necessary for legal or criminal prosecution in the event of interference with the operators’ Internet systems. Data will not be passed on for other non-commercial or commercial purposes. If the user orders information material or similar via these web pages, the operators will use the personal information entered by the user only within the operators and the companies commissioned with the dispatch. The operators will not pass on information to third parties without the express consent of the user.

Links to websites of other providers
These websites contain links to websites of other providers. The operators have no influence on whether these providers comply with the statutory data protection provisions. Users should therefore always check the privacy statements offered.

Cookies use
Cookies are used on certain pages without the operators being able to notify users. A majority of browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. However, the user can deactivate the storage of cookies or set his browser so that cookies are only stored for the duration of the respective connection to the Internet.

Linking, disclaimer
The operators do not assume any responsibility for the content and availability of third-party websites that can be reached via external links on these websites. The operators expressly distance themselves from all content that violates or could violate criminal, penal or liability law standards.