Current events in our blog For all worldly and curious readers. Find out about the latest events at SBW Berlin.
March 2020
Be a role model and help curb the spread of coronavirus!
Bietet älteren und gebrechlichen Nachbarn an, für sie einkaufen zu gehen. Verzichtet auf unnötige persönliche Treffen. Sprecht mit Eurem Arbeitgeber, ob Ihr im Homeoffice arbeiten könnt. Haltet möglichst 2 Meter Abstand zu anderen
February 2020
Maps now decorate our doors
Our SBW Berlin house takes shape and color! The entrances to our office and the shared apartments of our fellows have recently been decorated with specially made world maps made of high-quality stainless steel. The
Art project in the staircase of SBW
The staircase in Rudower Str. 67, where the office of SBW Berlin and the shared apartments of our scholarship holders are located, is designed by different artists. On the walls of the staircase will be
October 2019
2019 – SBW is growing!
In August 2019, we laid the first building blocks for our school project in Bulgaria by founding the SBW Bulgaria association. SBW Bulgaria is our representative and contact point in Bulgaria and will be responsible
July 2019
Heart project in Colombia
Our ambitious scholarship holder Diana from Colombia is working for more peace in her home country with her own project. Through her law degree from the University of Bogota and the experience she gained at
June 2019
Exchange to Nicaraguan education project
As part of our regular project support meetings in our community room, our scholarship recipient Abraham initiated a meeting with members and volunteer supporters of the association Puente Nica e.V. on May 24, 2019. The
January 2019
New home for talent
We are pleased to report that the development of our headquarters at Rudower Straße 67 in Berlin-Neukölln is making great progress. Already well connected in terms of transport for accessibility to all universities in Berlin
June 2018
In search of talent
For more than a month, the talent development program in Bulgaria has been announced to the public through various media channels. We are pleased to have already gained first impressions about potential applicants. Dr. Krasimir
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