About Victor Otte

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So far Victor Otte has created 50 blog entries.

Positive Actively Oriented Person (PAO)

One of the most important things in the life of every person is to train his mind and always expand his knowledge. This can be done in a variety of ways. When we engage in the process of learning something new, we are also able to understand the difficulties that come with acquiring new knowledge.

A cooking evening with Give Back Something to Berlin

In cooperation with our partner organization "Give Something Back to Berlin" (GSBTB), Titas, one of our scholarship holders, was the "ambassador" of his home country India today, serving traditional Indian food for the Open Kitchen project as volunteer chef of the day. Open Kitchen is a project of GBSTB and is meant to be a

Construction progress

The process of building SBW Berlin has accelerated. In the last 4 months we have been working on three different facilities: Our new offices for the SBW team, the new student apartments to have more space for future scholars and the construction of recreational areas so that our scholars have more opportunities to enrich their

World Environment Day on June 5, 2021 at SBW Berlin

World Environment Day is a solemn event that takes place every year and is becoming increasingly important, and that's a good thing! On this day, we not only celebrate the environment and our habitat, but also point out the ills left by various crises around the world and climate change. But as members of a

Would you like some culture?

Do you already have plans for Easter? Or are you still looking for ideas? If you're in the mood for some Berlin culture, you'll find it here: https://www.berlinalive.de Berlin (a)live takes you virtually to concert halls, museums, theaters, clubs and studios - without any access restrictions. Immediate and live. It is a joint project of

Tomorrow is World Health Day!

Each World Day focuses on an international theme. The first World Day was proclaimed by the United Nations (UN) on October 31, 1947. Today, the UN and its sub-organizations have more than 100 official international world days. For your inspiration, we have collected some very simple health tips on the occasion of tomorrow's World Health

Be a role model and help curb the spread of coronavirus!

Bietet älteren und gebrechlichen Nachbarn an, für sie einkaufen zu gehen. Verzichtet auf unnötige persönliche Treffen. Sprecht mit Eurem Arbeitgeber, ob Ihr im Homeoffice arbeiten könnt. Haltet möglichst 2 Meter Abstand zu anderen Menschen, wenn Ihr die Wohnung verlasst. Hustet und niest in die Armbeuge, nicht in die Hand. Versucht Euch möglichst wenig

Maps now decorate our doors

Our SBW Berlin house takes shape and color! The entrances to our office and the shared apartments of our fellows have recently been decorated with specially made world maps made of high-quality stainless steel. The SBW locations and the countries of origin of our first scholarship holders are marked on it. This also visually underlines

Art project in the staircase of SBW

The staircase in Rudower Str. 67, where the office of SBW Berlin and the shared apartments of our scholarship holders are located, is designed by different artists. On the walls of the staircase will be different paintings that reflect the cultures of different continents. Mongolian artist Zazaa Ganbold is currently working on the first artistic

2019 – SBW is growing!

In August 2019, we laid the first building blocks for our school project in Bulgaria by founding the SBW Bulgaria association. SBW Bulgaria is our representative and contact point in Bulgaria and will be responsible for organizing the planned private school and public cultural and sports events, as well as for awarding scholarships to disadvantaged

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