One of the most important things in the life of every person is to train his mind and always expand his knowledge. This can be done in a variety of ways.
When we engage in the process of learning something new, we are also able to understand the difficulties that come with acquiring new knowledge. We unconsciously break down what we learn (i.e., the new concepts) into small understandable pieces of knowledge that we can add to our store of knowledge (historical knowledge).
As we learn new concepts, we also improve our perceptions and actively adjust our minds to this new knowledge. Every time a person engages in a learning process of any kind, he/she is constantly changing and reconfiguring his/her entire perception of the world. We become more eloquent, better able to think, speak and analyze. We become more competent than before in more specific subjects, and this is reflected in our personality. The more knowledge we acquire, the more often this happens.
Over time, the accumulation of this knowledge becomes more and more apparent to oneself and those around one. Moreover, one can observe that one can better articulate ideas and concepts, and better portray and defend them not only for oneself but also in society. You become more and more aware of yourself and your surroundings. After this phase, you can then decide for yourself what you want to do with the newly learned knowledge or skills. There are two ways to do this: You can use it for your personal benefit, which is in a way limited to yourself and your personal goals, or you can go beyond that and use it for others as well. When you do this, you become a positively actively oriented person, and with the knowledge you acquire, you can even develop new ideologies and perceptions that not only affect the environment, but also benefit you in various ways on personal levels. This kind of person can transform any knowledge into an active benefit.
At SBW Berlin we support this positive active attitude towards knowledge and we encourage our scholarship holders not only to enrich themselves personally, but also to participate socially and thus improve society. Because we believe that positive active learners can move entire countries and entire societies.