Each World Day focuses on an international theme.
The first World Day was proclaimed by the United Nations (UN) on October 31, 1947. Today, the UN and its sub-organizations have more than 100 official international world days.
For your inspiration, we have collected some very simple health tips on the occasion of tomorrow’s World Health Day:
- Get some houseplants. They clean the air for you at home and some of them smell very nice too.
- Allow yourself more sunshine – between 10 and 30 minutes, depending on the season and time of day.
- Deliberately park a little further away. Not only will you get more exercise, but if the weather is good, you’ll get a little sunshine at the same time.
- Replace soft drinks and other beverages with filtered tap water or a varied assortment of herbal teas.
- Eat some raw vegetables (e.g. cucumber, peeled carrots, tomatoes, or similar) or a crisp leafy salad before each meal.
- Be on the lookout for a farmers market, farm or farmer near you where you can buy freshly harvested food.
- Extend your daily sports program by 5 minutes – or start a sports program of 5 minutes a day today! You can increase this slowly. 20 to 30 minutes a day is worth its weight in gold, but even with 3 x 30min a week, a lot is already gained.
- Drink a green smoothie more often.
- Take a hot relaxing bath. You can also add bath salts or calming herbs like lavender or uplifting herbs like rosemary to the water.
- Go out into nature again and consciously experience it with all your senses.
- Switch to healthy fats, such as virgin olive oil or high-quality organic flax oil or hemp oil.
- Review your sleep habits and make sure to sleep at least 7.5 hours every night. A fixed rhythm helps you fall asleep and gives structure to your day.
- Incorporate more bitter substances into your diet – for example, in the form of bitter salads such as chicory, endive or dandelion root, milk thistle seeds, artichoke and kelp.
- Give up your TV more often or think about what you want to watch and how much time you want to spend in front of it before you turn it on.
- Grow your own sprouts, for example, with a sprouter or some sprouting jars. Eating just 30 grams of sprouts a day will strengthen your immune system and prevent cancer.
Sunny greetings and stay healthy!
Your SBW Team